Thursday, February 28, 2013

Shelf Space

My oldest daughter has just begun a new job with a large soda distributor.  Each day she must see to it that the shelves in the large supercenter are filled with the products she represents.  She must be very diligent to make sure that ALL of the shelf space awarded to her company is filled at all times.  The store is not as concerned with what products that are filling the shelves but more that the shelves are filled.  If she does not keep her space filled, she will lose it to another vendor.  Less shelf space equals fewer sales.  No one in sales wants sales to decline.

Today as I was coming into town, I saw a building remodel under way. Its future will be a bar targeting university students. With the expansion of alcohol sales invited last summer, we experience the opening of either a retail liquor store or a new tavern or club on a regular basis. Already we have seen many store shelves, even complete aisles, given to alcoholic beverages. For many years, this small town has been able to tout something very special but today the look is changing rapidly.  Few cities in the US could say that alcohol is not available and my town “was” one of these.  Until now! 

We can cite many reasons for this; progress, economic growth, signs of the times, and on and on.  But I am concerned about the negligence of “the Church.”  As I was meeting with a friend this morning, who at one time was a store manager for a large retailer, he shared how he would continue to award shelf space to those who would keep the space filled.  If the vendor did not keep the space filled, there would be another, anxiously waiting, to gladly take over the space and keep it filled. I think the churches have given up a lot of shelf space in this town.

We know that everyone is searching for fulfillment in life.  Everyone is in the market, shopping for whatever they think might supply this need.  We are presented every minute with a supplier trying to sell his product and fill this need.  The world’s shelves are filled with Satan’s products; sex, money, power, alcohol, drugs, cars, pleasure, ease, complacency, houses and anything other material things you might dream up.  Satan keeps his shelves stocked.

I feel that one of the greatest problems in the church today is that we have been given shelf space in this global market and are failing to keep it filled.  We do not have problems with supply because we are told in the Bible that our supply is not limited.

“Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us.”  Ephesians 3:20 

“And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:19

And the product that we have to fill the shelves with has a demand by consumers.

“For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see his invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse for not knowing God.”  Romans 1:20

So the problem must be coming from the church that is responsible for keeping the product in the face of the consumer.  The church should be gaining shelf space not losing it.  We are not keeping the shelves filled.  We are concerned with keeping the back room stocked and expecting someone else to fill the shelves.  We refuse to research the market and hunt for consumers.  We show our merchandise in our own showrooms and expect the consumer to come looking for it.  When will we learn that the Great Commission tells us to go, not them to come.

So ends my rant for the day.  Church!  Go stock the shelves with Love, Compassion, Understanding, Grace, Righteousness, and Holiness!  Let’s take back some shelf space!  Let’s give them Jesus!

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