Friday, September 2, 2011


What a beautiful sunrise over Tel Aviv this morning. We arrived in Tel Aviv without any delays in flight or customs. Everyone is very friendly here. You would never know there is such turmoil in the land. We arrived at our hotel around 4:30 p.m. and quickly changed into our swimsuits to play in the Mediterranean Sea. The water was warm and the waves were just right for body surfing. I thought about where I was. We are near to the Biblical city of Joppa. When I thought about the sunset, I thought of Jesus and realized He would have enjoyed this same coastline. Later, we enjoyed dinner as Dr. Chad Foster led us through Shabbat prayers and what we know as communion. It is quite humbling to see the men come into the resturant with a "kippa" and lead their family in "kiddush" which is similar to Christian communion. It is so uncommon in America for Christian men to even lead in a prayer of thankfulness before eating let alone be so bold as to stand and pray. Dr. Foster led in the blessings in Hebrew and followed with english translation. Today, after breakfast we will travel up the Via Maris, "The Way of the Sea" to Caesarea, Megiddo and Mt. Carmel, where fire came down from heaven and consumed the sacrifice, the altar and licked the water up out of the ditch. Oh, I am so looking forward to this. Shalom for the day!

1 comment:

  1. Shalom, Erev tov, although it is probably almost midday for you guys there by now, it is only 11 p.m. here on Saturday night. Tell Dr. Chad hello and can't wait to hear all about both of your travels and experiences. Shalom!
