Thursday, April 3, 2014

"Apart from Me you can do nothing." John 15:5


To live a life void of a belief in God frees the person from an eternal responsibility in their own thought. This allows the person to live relative to their own desires, passions, and lusts. "Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow you die." At this point there is no moral basis for their decisions because there is no moral standard to calibrate their life. The best one can do is to immolate another person based on the outcome desired. Without the standard of God, there is no morality and everyone will do what is right in their own eyes. Without a reference point, there is no right or wrong. Apart from eternity what is man's purpose? Without a standard, necessity supersedes all other standards. This would allow one person to kill another and to eat them if there was no other food available. This is survival of the fittest and is only rational and reasonable if there is no eternity.


If humanity sets the standards for morality then humanity also sets the standards for viability. This begins to wreak havoc in society moving it from realizing the sanctity of life to pro-choice across the board. At this point you begin to see post-birth abortion, euthanasia of the elderly and terminal, and will eventually move to unnatural selection for the purpose of a determined ideal existence.

A great misconception of some, if not much of academics is that science disproves the existence of God when in all reality it simply does not allow the existence of God in the process. Only in the existence of God is there absolutes; without God, there must be a variable. This variable comes with variety fueled by a voracious desire to dispute singular truth.


To deny the existence of God is to actually affirm His existence in order to deny His existence. So then there is no wonder mankind wishes to deny God, for the point of acknowledgement brings the dilemma of Biblical truth, eternity, heaven and hell, and the need for salvation and worship.


Without God there is no sin. If there is no sin then we can have no legal system. Our legal system is founded on the laws of God. Man's existence has been shaped by these thoughts either by compliance or rebellion. To refute God's moral initiative would be to disallow our laws. As a society moves away from God's moral law, it begins to decline. This is truth proven throughout history.


So morally we cannot condemn others nor can others condemn us but only we can be condemned by ourselves by rebellion against a moral law.  Without a moral law there is no condemnation but with a moral law, we are condemned already.  Only the moral law giver can justify the rebellion against His law.

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