Thursday, February 24, 2011

Wet Feet

Last night, I went to bed with many thoughts on mind about the agenda for today. This morning I was awakened by a very loud rainstorm at 3 o'clock. Suddenly, all of the thoughts from the night before rushed back to my mind and I was unable to go back to sleep. At 4 o'clock I decided to go ahead and start my day since I had a men's Bible study at 6. I spent some time in the Bible and prayer and began my routine to leave. When I walked out, the rain was coming down hard and the porch light was quickly blocked out as I made it to my driveway. It had been raining hard and long and many puddles had accumulated in my gravel driveway. Some were very deep, shoe top deep. Yes, that's right. I tested the depth of the puddles with my feet. I looked like a cat with wet feet as I was shaking the water off.

When I made it to my Uprising group comprised of four other men, I began to complain about the rain this morning and the wet feet I had received as a result of it. During the opening prayer, one of my friends thanked the Lord for even my wet feet. It quickly dawned on me how ungrateful I am. Even though my feet were wet, they had carried me from my bed to the shower. My feet carried me through the rain and drove me to town. My feet then carried me into the church where I would meet with one man slightly older than I, one slightly younger than I and two young men that are seniors in high school; my friends, my prayer partners, and the ones that hold me accountable to love the Lord and love others. I then realized, my wet feet would provide the means to do the work the Lord has called me to do and that is to preach the goods news of a Savior whose feet carried Him to a cross where they would be nailed along with His hands for my sins and yours. When I thought about that....I could no longer complain that my feet were wet.

I am thankful today for all things. Even wet feet. May they lead me down the path of righteousness.

Where will your feet take you?

"The steps of the godly are directed by the Lord.
He delights in every detail of their lives."
Psalm 37:23 NLT