Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Come Lord Jesus

Today I yearn for the return of Christ. As I contemplate the Second Coming of Jesus Christ I become very anxious. Like a child looking forward to Christmas morning. Wondering what it will be like, scared yet quickend by this bizzare fear and hunger for the things to come. I am quite sure that to see Jesus and the things He has prepared for me will be exceedingly abundantly more than I could possibly think or imagine. I also know that this day will not come until every opportunity has been exhausted for all to be presented with the saving Gospel. John joins with the Sprit and the bride and says, "Even so, come, Lord Jesus!" I look at the last words that the Apostle John shares with us from the Revelation and feel much the same way as the days pass and God reveals more about Himself to me. Each additional and glorious glimpse causes the anticipation to increase. I dismay when many who are gifted and empowered by the Spirit choose to neglect these offerings. Many who have great talents for teaching, leadership, encouragement choose to utilize these talents on themselves instead of using them for the glory of God. In James we are told "Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn't do it, sins."
(James 4:17 NIV)

I wish there was a switch in the life of each believer that God would flip at the commonly prescribed time that would move us from point A to point B in our Spiritual walk. In Jewish tradition there is the Bar/Bet Mitzvah taking place at thirteen years of age, moving one from childhood to adulthood in regard to one's responsibility to the Law. Would it not be wonderful if this point was easily defined for Christians regarding our walk with Christ?

Paul said, "When I was a child, I spoke and thought and reasoned as a chld does. But when I grew up, I put away childish things." Oh, that we could have clarity to know when to put away the immature thoughts of childhood and grow up. No one having even entered into adolescence would drink milk from a baby bottle but why do so many "Christians" continue to drink milk from a bottle instead of feasting on the meat in God's word and His will?

True joy and fulfillment in a person's life will only come when God's will is sought and not their own. No matter how honorable the intention, or intense the work, if not done according to the will of God it is but stuble in the fire. Live to know God more and share in my anticipation of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ!!